
Best Tobacco E Liquid 2017 - Short Fill

Ichor Liquid Premium Congress - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Desert Ship - Long Fill E Liquid
£11.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium American Tobacco - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Gold & Silver - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Blended Tobacco - E Liquid
Sold Out

Ichor Liquid Premium Fives - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Black Magic - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Honey Flue Cured - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Congress - Long Fill E Liquid
£11.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid American Tobacco - Long Fill E Liquid
£11.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Desert Ship - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

Ichor Liquid Premium Mild Tobacco - E Liquid
£4.99 GBP

The Best Tobacco E Liquid 2017


It's been a busy - and more importantly successful - year here at Ichor Liquid. We have seen many happy UK and international customers enjoy our unique PG free tobacco vape liquid including flavour styles such as: traditional cigarette, pipe tobacco and even cigar flavours. Many have asked us however, what the best tobacco e liquid in 2017 is.


How We Decided

Many of you will know that we currently specialise solely on one brand of product. This makes analysing and gathering data that much easier. It allows us to focus on what works and what doesn't. While the flavours played a large part in determining the result, we also looked into the size, mix and nicotine strength. With our data collected we are now in the position to share our findings with you.


Our Results.

The best tobacco flavours (shown above) include:

  • Congress
  • American Tobacco
  • Fives
  • Virginia Flue Cured
  • Blended Tobacco

The first three are based on cigarette flavours, Virginia Flue Cured is based on hand rolling tobacco and Blended tobacco based on pipe tobacco. Last year Virginia, and Congress took the Best Tobacco E Liquid crown.

100% VG has always been our most popular mix. 75% of all purchases to be exact. 2017 has definitely seen a major improvement of our Max VG range (70% VG / 30%) as well as increasing popularity of the PG heavy mixes.

The most popular bottle size in 2017 has increased in size to 50ml. This is a staggering leap over the 10ml popularity we received last year. This can only mean our customer retention is growing and proving our product quality.

Nicotine levels have been consistently dropping over the last year. In 2015 12 - 18mg nicotine was bar far our most popular category. This reduced in 2016 to 6 - 12 mg and now in 2017 its 3mg to 6mg. This we believe is largely due to the push in sub ohm vaping. Vaping high nicotine strengths with Sub Ohm devices is highly unrecommended due to the shear volume of e liquid consumed.


We will be continuing to monitor the purchasing behaviours through 2020 and will add an up-to-date report on the best tobacco e liquid for 2018.
