E Cigarettes - The Most Popular Stop Smoking Aid In 2017?
According to a recent study, it was revealed that it is possible to quit smoking with the help of electronic cigarettes. There had been a controversy throughout the years regarding the benefits as well as risks of electronic cigarettes which has come to an end with these findings.
In fact, researchers evaluated certain data from more than 1,60,000 individuals for as many as 15 years in order to perform the study. It was found that individuals who were in the habit of smoking electronic cigarettes quite frequently were prone to quit smoking much more as compared to those who didn’t.
The number of people who succeeded in quitting smoking has been increasing in the recent years progressively. At present, you will come across some innovative E-Cigarette Stop Smoking Aid packs on the market intended to help quit smoking. These astounding e-cigarettes help to supply the nicotine directly by vaporising it in the liquid form - referred to as vape liquids - instead of burning the tobacco and tar that is linked with some chemical substances that might even trigger malignancy.
There has been an unending debate regarding the role played by electronic cigarettes particularly because of the increasing popularity of vaping. While according to some individuals, these e-cigarettes are much healthier as compared to the actual cigarettes, others do not agree with this and they assert that non-smokers are in fact lured into smoking because of the undesirable popularity of the e-cigarettes.
It is not certain whether electronic cigarettes are really responsible for attracting individuals to quit smoking. Nevertheless, the study found out that e-cigarettes have some sort of role to play when it comes to quitting standard cigarettes.

After going through several population surveys covering 2001 to 2015, they obtained invaluable information regarding the smoking-secession rates and also other useful happenings that took place in between 2014 and 2015.
According to the results, roughly 60 percent of the e-cigarette users had made an attempt to quit smoking at one time or the other and about 40% of them who smoked did not try electric cigarettes.
Approximately 9% of electronic cigarette users were successful in quitting the habit of smoking regular cigarettes for a minimum of three months as compared to approximately 5% of nonusers. In general, there had been an increase in the number of quitters by 1.2% points during 2011 to 2015.
Although it is amongst the largest representative samples of electronic cigarette users, the study has got its own limitations. It made use of surveys which didn't provide comprehensive information regarding the type of e-cigarette used.
The outcomes do not imply that e-cigarettes are going to be entirely responsible for any favourable news. According to some authors, tobacco tax plus things such as national ad campaigns against smoking really helped a lot. Therefore, it is now evident that electronic cigarettes might be useful in certain respects; which gives hope to the longevity of their market presence.